It’s Been a While

Well, it’s been a while. So let’s catch up.

My last post was in November of last year. Life for the Bautista family got a little crazy.

In November we found out our heart warrior was going to need another surgery sooner than we thought. So we began preparing to have surgery before Christmas, but it worked out that we were able to spend time with family in California before surgery.

The first few months of the year were a whirlwind for us.

January I started working full time at the church.

February we went in for our second open heart surgery. This time around it was not as traumatic, but still a toll on us emotionally and spiritually. Our heart warrior came out with flying colors, a week later we were home. (It’s crazy to think that we were home one week after an open heart surgery! When compared to last time it was like night and day.)

March began a journey into a new job for my husband.

April I started a new position at the church.

So here we are, in July. We are still learning our new normal, with new jobs and four kiddos.

We’re halfway through the year and I am ready to run into this next half and finish strong!

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